TUD REPAiR Seminar Circularity & the Built Environment: From Policy to Practice

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Which are the challenges faced by professionals in designing the shift towards a more circular built environment and economy? How are policy makers and designers embedding a circular approach towards the use of resources into their work?

On this day the 1st TUD REPAiR Seminar Circularity & the Built Environment: From Policy to Practice takes pleace at TU Delft in the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment. 

The seminar, part of the dissemination of the H2020 project REPAiR Resource Management in Peri-urban Areas. Going Beyond Urban Metabolism  hosts international speakers. We are very proud that a part of our team, Ellen van Bueren and David Peck join the discussion about Circular Economy & the built environment.  

Circularity & the built environment, from policy to practice

The objective of the seminar is to inquire in a broad sense how the principles of Circular Economy affect the design of the built environment, from the metropolitan to architectural scale in relation to planning and policy making. Moreover, the seminar aims to investigate how the cooperation between citizens and other stakeholders in Living Labs enhances the implementation of a more Circular Economy.