Our society faces numerous complex problems that require an integrated approach. To address these challenges, transitioning to transdisciplinary science is essential. This approach brings together various disciplines and stakeholders to find innovative and effective solutions to issues such as inequality, climate change, and healthcare. Join our conference and discover how this type of research can contribute to a better future for everyone.
During the conference "Transition to Transdisciplinary Science: Solutions for Complex Societal Issues," prominent speakers such as Prof. Dr. Liesbeth Noordegraaf-Eelens and Dr. Eppo Bruins will delve deeper into the concept of transdisciplinary science. Additionally, a whitepaper presenting six proposals for effective innovation will be presented during the event.
Highlights of the Event:
- Inspirational keynotes highlighting the essence of transdisciplinary science and its central role in promoting innovation in the Netherlands and Europe.
- Exploration of topics such as setting up transdisciplinary research and its practical applications, with special attention to initiatives like the Convergence Alliance.
- Valuable insights into the successes and challenges of transdisciplinary projects through engaging panel discussions with experts from NWO, TNO, KIN, and Convergence, followed by reflections from government representatives.
Join this inspiring conference and discover how transdisciplinary science can lead to groundbreaking solutions for the most urgent societal issues of our time. Together, we can make a difference and strive for a just, sustainable, and prosperous future for everyone.
Note: unfortunately, registration is now closed as we've reached maximum capacity. Email to join the waiting list. Contact Marije Wassenaar-Verschuur (marije.wassenaar@eur.nl).