[DELFT] Van 't Hoff Lecture 2024: Decarbonization Potential of Industrial Process Heat by Electrification

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Aula Congress Centre TU Delft, Mekelweg 56, 2628 CC DELFT

TU Delft Process & Product Technology Institute (Pro2Tech) proudly presents the Jacobus van 't Hoff Lecture 2024: 'Decarbonization Potential of Industrial Process Heat by Electrification' by Brian Elmegaard (Professor, Department of Civil and Mechanical Engineering Thermal Energy, DTU Orbit)

Decarbonizing industry is crucial for a green society. Traditionally, fossil fuels have powered industrial process heating, causing two-thirds of carbon emissions in Danish industry. This talk will explore the potential for electrifying these heating processes, especially through energy-efficient heat pumps. The presentation will also showcase current R&D projects, the need for further development, and implementation challenges. Recent advances in software tools for analyzing heat pump solutions and energy mapping in industry will be highlighted, along with methods for optimal heat pump integration into process systems.

The talk will focus on the potential for direct electrification in industrial process heating by means of heat pumps. The resulting potential for decarbonization and examples of integration for energy efficiency will be presented together with novel tools and methods for assisting the industry in decision-making for supporting the green transition and reaching climate targets.

The lecture starts at 17:30 followed by a buffet from approximately 18:30 to 20:00. The lecture is public and accessible for everyone.

Register here

The deadline for registration is June 1st, 2024.

Read more about the event on the website.