
Air traffic is increasing and with the access to wealth from developing countries, it could be multiplied by two worldwide by 2050. So could its environmental impact if no mitigation measures are implemented on time. Next to sustainable fuels and new propulsion systems, the re-processing of aircrafts could play an important role in reducing the emissionsfrom the aerospace sector.


Thesis Themes/Topics

Sustainable fuels, new propulsion systems and lightweighting are often considered synonyms of a sustainable aviation. However, considering the demand for new aircrafts in the coming 20 years (40,850 – source Airbus 2023), the number of aircrafts that will be retired (12,000 – source Airbus 2022 – to 20,000 – source ICAO 2019), and the issue of resource scarcity, the re-processing of aircrafts is as well a very important step on the path to sustainable aviation. In that way, valuable resources can be returned for (equal) use. Moreover, given the numbers mentioned above, the related processes (re-cover, re-manufacture, re-cycling, etc.) should also be carried out in an environmental and economically efficient manner. What solutions make sense and are possible? What is the environmental impact of these solutions? What are the enablers, contractual and legal barriers to implement these practices and how to make them economically viable? How will this change with the next generation of aircraft with e.g. new propulsion systems and new materials? And what will be the effect on the consumer perception of flying? These are the questions that this Thesis lab will investigate.


How can design, technological innovation, new business models and legislation help the aerospace industry reduce its impact on the environment?


PROGRAM 2024/2025

More information will follow on September 13th, 2024.


AETHOS is a foundation that stands for sustainable solutions for the end-of-life of aircrajts. Aethos supports research into the recycling of aircraft materials. It also support the professional network that is currently tackling the challenge of recycling (parts ofl aircrafts and makes companies aware of the latest research outcomes.

NLR is the connecting link between science,industry and government for the aerospace sector. It supports the sector by developing and applying advanced techno1ogiesfor innovative products and applications. NLR aims to make aerospace more sustainable, safer, more efficient and more effective.

COLLINS AEROSPACE is one of the world's largestsuppliers of aerospace and defense products. From aircraft nose to tail and from the battlespace to deepspace, Collins collaborates with customers and partners aüoss markets and disciplines to develop pioneering technologies for the sector.





Get inspired and check the results of previous labs.


Applications for the thesis lab will open September 13th, 2024.