Every second Wednesday, the Circular Industries Talks are organised at the Circular Industries Hub. In this edition, Dr. Tomer Fishman, Assistant Professor of…
The transition to a circular economy is a cornerstone of a sustainable future. Recognizing its importance, the EU introduced the Circular Economy Action Plan in…
Every second Wednesday, the Circular Industries Talks are organised at the Circular Industries Hub. In this edition, Matthijs Bookelmann (Senior Consultant…
Wat als je realiteit niet meer vol te houden is? Bas van den Berg (1995), associate lector Regenerative Thinking aan de Haagse Hogeschool, schreef een…
Every second Wednesday, the Circular Industries Talks are organised at the Circular Industries Hub. More information will be made available soon! The Circular…
Every second Wednesday, the Circular Industries Talks are organised at the Circular Industries Hub. More information will be made available soon! The Circular…
Het nieuwe Sophia Kinderziekenhuis en Erasmus MC inspireren je met verhalen over voedsel verbouwen en ‘Samen de Zorg Vergroenen’. Kom luisteren hoe ‘Green…
Ontdek wat het oplevert om medische hulpmiddelen lokaal te repareren, refurbishen en recyclen en operatiejassen, mutsen en incontinentiemateriaal te wassen, in…
Every second Wednesday, the Circular Industries Talks are organised at the Circular Industries Hub. More information will be made available soon! The Circular…