thesis lab lego day

Thesis Labs: Lego Serious Play

Ever enjoyed playing with Lego? Students from our Thesis Labs brought the Lego game to the next level. While creating new systems they envisioned the roads to a future of sustainable healthcare, aviation, landscape transformation, and megasystems.

lego day thesis labs

“This was so much fun. Surprisingly a whole new system emerged and suddenly I realized how strongly everything is related.”

"I can see many elephants in the room here."

photo lego day

While building with the bricks students discovered important patterns: big, overarching topics relating the questions and conclusions of their individual master theses. On June 25 they will present those interdisciplinary results to their caseholders in a Pattern Book. Yes, we love Lego Serious Play! And will think about ways to kindly release the elephants. 

photo lego day