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Aula Congress Centre, TU Delft, Mekelweg 56, 2628 CC DELFT On 28 May, the conference 'The Future Envelope 15: Circularity Now!' takes place.
Future Envelope 15 will focus on the status quo of research related to circular building products but also on ways of accelerating and scaling up the transition. Find out more about the industry’s circular targets for the upcoming years and how they can be achieved. The programme consists of 3 sessions:
Session 1: Circularity in Design and Construction
Session 2: Material and Manufacturing
Session 3: Circular Processes and Implementation
For a more detailed programme, check out the website.
Tickets: Standard €260.00, Student* €30.00, TU Delft employee €100.00
*Students are required to send their proof of student status to