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Climate change challenges The Hague to look into ways of how to handle the climate transition in a fair and just way in which all stakeholders participate in, and benefit of, the process and outcome. This raises questions about how climate justice can best be addressed, not only in the city itself, but also in relation to a wider global perspective.  


Thesis Themes/Topics

In approaching the Climate Transition with all of its facets, The Hague is interested in exploring different perspectives and elements. Getting new perspectives could help the City in evaluating and developing its own policies and projects. We would be interested in getting insights on different aspects, being:  

  1. Multilevel governance: the link between local, national, European and global governance models and calls to action.

  1. Legal / Juridicial perspectives: divided into three subcategories: a.) Municipality – which legal instruments can the municipality use to implement a just Climate Transition in and for the city?, b.) Inhabitants – which legal instruments can inhabitants use to enforce a just Climate Transition?, c.) Nature – are there legal options to give nature in The Hague a voice within the Climate Transition?  

  2. Participation & language: how do we involve those communities that are hardest to reach for the municipality?  

  1. Policy /Built environment: which role can The Hague play in its policy choices in the built environment to ensure a just and sustainable urban development? 

  1. Global justice: divided into three subcategories:  a.) The role The Hague can play on a global level, as the City of Peace & Justice, b.)Non-western perspectives, specifically related to the colonial history of The Hague in the world, c.) Gender diversity on a global but also local scale.


How can The Hague approach the Climate Transition within the city, and beyond its borders considering its position as the City of Peace and Justice, in a fair and just way for all stakeholders?


PROGRAM 2024/2025

More information will follow on September 13th, 2024.


The Hague is the third city of The Netherlands, and positions itself on an international level as the City of Peace and Justice. The Hague has set the ambition to become climate neutral in 2030, and is one of the 100 European Cities in the mission 100 Climate Neutral and Smart Cities.  

Den Haag


Get inspired and check the results of previous labs.


Applications for the thesis lab will open September 13th, 2024.