Lecture Mission to Mars: Water Management

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The Leiden-Delft-Erasmus Centre for Sustainability presents: "Mission to Mars" – a series of 7 lectures, starting on Friday, 19 January 2018 from 15:00 till 17:00 in the new World Horti Center in Naaldwijk.

Angelo Vermeulen

On 26 January, we will have lecture "Water Management"

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Based on "Voorwaarts Mars" (LTO Glaskracht) the Greenport Hub will link the latest insights in science with the daily practice in horticulture. During the first lecture dr. Angelo Vermeulen (Delft University of Technology) will link Space Research with Sustainable Horticulture. 

We invite professionals, researchers and students to join the “Mission to Mars”. Entrance is free.

For more background information, you can check out the TED Talk of Angelo Vermeulen:

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