Part-time Student Board Member 2019-2020

Leiden-Delft-Erasmus Centre for Sustainability Students is looking for you!

Who are we?

The Centre for Sustainability Student Board is a student initiative appointed to be the student extension of the Leiden-Delft-Erasmus Centre for Sustainability. Centre for Sustainability aims to offer innovative and science-based solutions for the circular economy. Read more about the organisation here.

The CfS student board consists of 6 students with different backgrounds, representing all three universities. Our common interest is to speed up the transitioning to a circular economy. We want students, researchers, companies and the government to join forces in a field where interdisciplinary collaboration is highly needed. We do this by organising events, like symposiums, lectures and expert panel discussions and thesis markets where students gain interdisciplinary experience and inspiration to do sustainable research projects and meet future employers and co-workers. We, our community, are the next generation, sustainability professionals.

Interested? Send your CV and motivational letter (max 1 page) to
Feel free to express your interests for more than one position.

Deadline for applications:  Wednesday 5 June 23:59


  • Weekly meetings in The Hague starting September 2019
  • 1-year commitment: 8 hrs per week (September 2019 - August 2020)
  • Joining the Transition Day on the 2nd of July
  • Participation at least one of the Leiden, Delft and Erasmus introweek days (a total of 4 days spread between  August 19th-30th)

What we offer:

  • A great opportunity to work with people with different knowledge but the same ideals
  • A compensation of ~ 200€/ month
  • Freedom to explore your ambitions and ideas through organizing events and containing and expanding a sustainability community
  • Additionally, each member is assigned a specific function that comes with certain responsibilities and flexible tasks. We strive for diversity in national and educational background.  
  • Fun activities with your board, interesting drinks and meetings with the sustainability community

    As a board member of the Centre for Sustainability students, you have a two-fold function. The first part of your role consists of a representative function, where you act as the face of the organization and create several events per year in the city you represent. The second half is role specific. Find below the description of the positions.


    Each member is assigned a specific function that comes with certain responsibilities and flexible tasks.
    The following positions are open for application:

    • Chair
    • Secretary
    • Brand Manager
    • Communications Manager
    • Treasurer
    • Event Manager

    Function Details

    1. Chair

    The Chair is the face of the Centre of Sustainability Students. Your role primarily revolves around the functioning and well-being of the board. Further, you are the mediator between the management team and the rest of the board, therefore good communication and comprehension skills are important. A high level of English proficiency is key, as you are the main representative of the organisation. A basic grasp of Dutch is also advantageous, but not necessary.  This position requires a commitment of approximately 10 hours per week. We are looking for someone with the following qualities:

    • Organised and critical
    • Charismatic and empathetic
    • Experienced and good public speaker

    2. Secretary

    The Secretary is the backbone of the student board. You take care of the administrative and organizational tasks that make the board function smoothly. These include tasks such as: managing the email account, taking notes during the meeting and managing the Centre for Sustainability Students events calendar.  As secretary, you will be the right hand of the chair, ensuring that all tasks are completed. Make sure you are flexible and help other team members if needed. We are looking for someone with the following qualities:

    • Strong writing and communication skills
    • Structured and organised
    • Flexible and friendly

    3. Brand Manager

    The Brand Manager function comprises of several elements.  You are responsible for the image of the Centre for Sustainability students, therefore, strong graphic design skills are required in order to convey our main goals in the form of posters and infographics. Actively looking for new ideas for events, connections with other associations are a part of your role. Further, you will also actively seek out students that can be involved with the Centre for Sustainability Students events and research hubs. We are looking for someone with the following qualities:

    • Design-thinking & experienced with Adobe Creative Suite 
    • Creativity
    • Strategic and logical

    4. Communication Manager

    The Communication Manager is responsible for the outreach and community involvement of the Centre for Sustainability students. You are in charge of the social media and promotion of events, involving the online platforms, where you manage the publications, reminders and messages. Creativity and good writing skills are highly valued, as you have to create new content for our social media platforms. You will create strategies on how to reach a larger audience, promoting higher community involvement within the Leiden-Delft-Erasmus network. 
    We are looking for someone with the following qualities:

    • Social media savvy
    • Creativity & good writing skills
    • Time management and planning skills

    5. Treasurer

    As the ‘Master of Coin’, the treasurer is responsible for managing the budget that is allocated to the student board by Leiden University. Planning, keeping track of expenses and communicating with various parties are among your primary tasks. You will also at times be working closely with the management team. Are you passionate about finance and sustainability?
    We are looking for someone with the following qualities:

    • Good financial management skills 
    • An eye for detail and good with Excel
    • Strategic and creative

    6. Event Manager

    The Event Manager asses and coordinates the different events happening. Some of these tasks include keeping an overview of all the events, which you will critically assess and add value to; communicating with representatives of different universities and associations, and, to be active at events from our different partner associations. You will be the main mediator between the student ambassadors and the Centre for Sustainability Students board.
    We are looking for someone with the following qualities:

    • Networking and management skills 
    • Structured and critical
    • Social

        • Questions? Send us an e-mail or message us on Facebook. We are always willing to have a chat.

        Interested? Send your CV and motivational letter to
        Feel free to express your interests for more than one position.

        Deadline: Wednesday the 5th of June, at 23:59

        For successful applicants, interviews will be held between 10-14 June