FabCity Student Challenge

FabCity Student Challenge

Start date
End date

Do you want to work on a case in a multidisciplinary team, learn about challenges in the future circular city and win a great prize to realise your idea? Together with companies and Leiden-Delft-Erasmus Centre for Sustainability researchers, the CfS student community will provide three challenges for you in FabCity! In this living lab, companies, researchers and students together explore their ideas about the city of the future. Sleepover and meals are included.

16 MAY
10:00 walk-in 
10:30 case pitches
12:30 lunch
13:30 case study work
16:00 expert coaching
19:00 dinner
21:00 mystery event

17 MAY
9:30 breakfast
10:30 case study work
13:30 lunch
14:30 pitches case results for Centre for Sustainability jury
15:30 award ceremony: 1st prize 1.000 euros to spend on realising your idea!
16:00 networking drinks

Sign up here before 10th of May!