Image Credits: nai010 Els Leclerq, a former postdoc at LDE CfS (Leiden-Delft-Erasmus Centre for Sustainability), conducted significant research in 2020 that…
Image credits: Sander van Wettum, 2023 (for Erasmus University Rotterdam) A dynamic 30-minute workshop at the 'Brede Welvaart' conference, organized by the…
At this TU-Delft symposium on November 21th, the future horizons in the urban energy transition will be explored, discussing the challenges and opportunities…
Every second Wednesday, the Circular Industries Talks are organised at the Circular Industries Hub. In this edition, Rogier Nijssen, lector composites at…
Every second Wednesday, the Circular Industries Talks are organised at the Circular Industries Hub. This edition, Jenny Coenen, lector Smart Sustainable…
Are you a policymaker, advisor, entrepreneur, researcher, or represent a civic organization? Join us for the 'Brede Welvaart' Conference on October 31…
This year, IHS is celebrating a major milestone - its 65th anniversary. As a part of the EUR community, IHS invites students, staff, partners and remarkable…
Het recht op reparatie is de grootste verandering in consumentenrecht in 30 jaar, zegt René Repasi. Hij is Europarlementariër en hoogleraar Public and Private…
Every second Wednesday, the Circular Industries Talks are organised at the Circular Industries Hub. This edition, David Klein, Sustainable Concept Designer &…
A circular economy is not fair by definition and does not contribute to more wellbeing automatically. While making our economy and companies circular, we cannot…