Op 28 maart starten wij met een cursus over een integrale wijk/ gebiedsaanpak. Deze cursus is ontwikkeld voor Rotterdamse ambtenaren van alle afdelingen binnen…
Gebiedsgericht werken staat hoog op de agenda van veel beleidsmakers. Saskia Ruijsink , LDE CfS Cities Hub coördinator, ging in gesprek met Rijksadviseur…
Every second Wednesday, the Circular Industries Talks are organised at the Circular Industries Hub. On Wednesday January 25, Gijs van Leeuwen, PhD candidate at…
How can we develop the collaboration within and between life cycles, scale levels and value chains required to realise circular and emission-free building…
On Wednesday 25 January 2023 from 10.30 - 12.00, Saskia Ruijsink, coordinator of the LDE CfS Cities Hub and researcher for the Resilient Delta Initiative, will…
Every second Wednesday, the Circular Industries Talks are organised at the Circular Industries Hub. On Wednesday January 11, Jaco Quist, Assistant Professor in…
Much has happened since the COVID-19 crisis and the war in Ukraine highlighted supply chain dependencies and insecurities in the EU. In December 2022, the Dutch…
Every second Wednesday, the Circular Industries Talks are organised at the Circular Industries Hub. On Wednesday December 21, we were joined by prof. Ester van…
Wie het WK voetbal en de ontwikkelingen in de Nederlandse land- en tuinbouw volgt, komt in de verleiding om boer, tuinder en Marokkaan in één adem te noemen. De…