Thesis Themes/Topics

Dealing with spatial pressure in a multi-level governance context
The current way of living and working is overshooting planetary boundaries and not future-proof, it challenges health and safety of humans and nature and it is under pressure in constantly changing environment. Spatial planning and policy are forms of spatial or territorial governance that take place in multi-level governance context.

While such a multi-level governance context is not new and functions in practice, it remains challenging for e.g. the province of South Holland to govern its territory with its competing spatial claims within this context. We seek to understand its potentials and pitfalls across various thematic focus areas:

  • Urban & rural linkages
  • Economy
  • Politics, public opinion & media
  • Silent voices and spatial pressure

Under pressure: future-proof living and working
There are several agreements and policy decisions within the Netherlands that aim to facilitate the transition towards a  future-proof society.  There is not much discussion about the need for South Holland to be ‘future-proof’, but there is discussion about the meaning of future-proof and about how it can and should be materialized. We aim to learn more about:

  • Future studies
  • Stakeholder perspectives & spatial planning
  • Urban & rural and global & local linkages
  • Health & safety


What are the challenges and opportunities for creating space for future-proof living and working in urban and rural South Holland?


PROGRAM 2024/2025

More information will follow on September 13th, 2024.


 In the dynamic realm of landscape transformation, the province of South Holland emerges as a significant actor, spearheading a visionary program known as the ‘Zuid Hollands Programma Landelijk Gebied’ (ZH-PLG). Nestled in the heart of the Netherlands, South Holland is a province brimming with diversity, juxtaposing urban cores with vast rural expanses. At the core of this transformation lies the commitment to justice and sustainability in the evolution of its landscapes.


ACCEZ is an organization dedicated to facilitating and supporting sustainable transitions in various sectors. Their mission is to assist individuals and businesses in addressing the pressing need for sustainability and innovation. Here’s a brief explanation of what ACCEZ aims for and their role in driving landscape transformation.


Get inspired and check the results of previous labs.


Applications for the thesis lab will open September 13th, 2024.